A Wig Could Provide You The Look You Want

Many people make their hairstyle the cornerstone of their appearance. However, for others, there’s not always a guarantee that they can get the style they want. It can take many years of dedication to grow out hair to the length needed for a lot of looks. Those are years most people don’t want to wait. A good wig provides an alternative to the long term growth option. 

main of A Wig Could Provide Your Hair The Look You Want

Wigs are sensible and reasonably priced options that allow people to immediately get the hairstyle they desire. Wigs are also beneficial to medical patients who have lost their hair due to a condition or treatment. They can choose how they want to look and often regain a large amount of confidence in themselves. There’s a lot that goes into making a good looking wig. There’s even more that goes into choosing the right one to buy. 

Human Hair vs. Synthetic Hair

There are two types of wigs to choose from human hair wigs are what most people think of. However, they are not necessarily better. To start, they are much more expensive. A bad human hair wig will cost more than a top end synthetic and the price can rise into the thousands of dollars. Human hair wigs also require a lot more maintenance. Essentially, they need to be taken care of just like actual hair. A human hair wig also requires it to be styled before you can go ahead and use it. This means a trip to the stylist to ensure that it sits properly on your head. 

Synthetic wigs are pre styled and cheaper. This means that they can be purchased with less of a hassle. The big thing is maintenance however. There’s far less with a synthetic wig. They also give you more variety, since the lower cost means you can purchase different styles and looks more often without having to feel guilty. 

How to Choose a Wig

With the large number of options out there, there’s many considerations you have to take into account when you are buying a wig. There’s several steps to picking the right wig. These steps include: 

  1. Choose human hair or synthetic hair - The differences between the two was covered earlier in the article. 
  2. Choose a color - This can be more difficult than many people realize. While some what a whole new look, contrasting colors will be easier to see if you are retaining your hair to wear the wig. You may need a very good wig cap. Oftentimes if you want to go with something that’s a big change, you may want to also get a secondary wig that’s similar to your own hair color. 
  3. Check for the best features - If you want a wig that looks the most real, then a lace front is important. The hair is individually tied and looks best. A monofilament top also provides extra realism. 

Shopping for Wigs

There’s three different ways that you might find a wig. It’s surprising how many physical wig shops there are in the streets. By going to a physical location you can get assurances that it’s what you really want. It’s possible to try on different types of wigs that might help with your look and see how it feels to wear. 

The second option is of course online shopping. There are large wig retailers which feature an even greater mix of looks, colors and materials. By shopping online you can get what you want! Note that this sounds great in theory. But not every retailer is reputable. Make sure that the online retailer you choose has an excellent return policy in case there are issues with a wig you have purchased without seeing. Many wig retailers online will actually offer consultations through online chat, email or the phone. This can be beneficial. Taking a little extra time with your purchase could save you a big hassle returning the wig. 

If you’re someone who is shopping for a wig due to cancer related hair loss, there’s actually some charity programs that could assist. Many nonprofit organizations may offer wigs to people suffering from the side effects of treatment. This can help reduce costs. While some wigs in these situations may be covered partially by insurance, a charity program won’t ask for payment.