Consider the Important Factors Before Signing Up for a Shaving Subscription

If a frequent scenario in the bathroom is realizing the razor is dull ten seconds before shaving, then it might be time to consider a shaving subscription. For about the same cost of purchasing shaving gear at a big box store, personal care companies have created packages to fit all types of shaver needs. The basics of a shaving subscription are about the same – a razor replacement kit shows up at the front door every one to three months. It’s a convenient solution for an often-forgotten necessity. Each company has different razor features, from the number of blades to the type of handle. A kit may be bare-bones basic or serve specialized shaving products on the side. Some kits can be ultra-personalized for the unique customer. It is the features and add-ons to consider when narrowing down a subscription choice. Let’s take a look at some things to consider before committing to a shaving service.

main of Consider the Important Factors Before Signing Up for a Shaving Subscription

1 - Choose A Razor

When picking a subscription service, customers should ask themselves what they like about their current razor and look for a comparable product. Some subscriptions offer only one type of razor head and other services offer a larger variety of choice. Harry’s subscription offers one type of razor with a set number of blades while Dollar Shave Club offers the choice of two, four, or six blade heads. Since most subscriptions work similarly, it’s important to dial in on design details like all-in-one disposables or detachable blade heads.

2 - Retail vs. Online Presence

If a customer has been buying razors in a big box store, it can be an adjustment to receive the product by mail. Ideally, a subscription would prevent running out of a product too soon; but, what about customers who worry their razor will break or get lost? Thankfully, Companies like Gillette and Harry’s now offer these convenient subscription services for their already popular products, and the products are still available at the local stores.

3 - Add-on Products

Once the basic razor choice is established, razor services are enhanced by the sidekick products. Most starter kits come paired with a few companion products, like shaving cream or gel. Some services offer different levels of prepackaged kits with a set price. Other services offer personalized product suggestions based upon a questionnaire to build a custom experience. Pay attention to whether the service sends the same sidekicks with every renewal or lets the customer decide how often replacement products are shipped. Trying a subscription service is a good way to sample new products that are specifically designed to improve the shaving experience.

4 - Bells & Whistles

While there are simply kits, the fun part of a subscription is unique choices. Shaving service Billie offers different colored handles with interchangeable razor heads. Customers may prefer a shower holder or travel case. Flamingo has a special ergonomic handle to lessen hand stress during shaving. Company values may include organic products or giving a back a percentage of profits. A subscription service for shaving can give customers a more personal experience to identify with a brand’s mission.

5 - Price Point

The good news about razor subscriptions is that price doesn’t really dictate quality. If $5 is going to make a big difference in monthly budgeting, The Dollar Shave Club offers a low-price starter kit that is well loved. Most starter kit prices range between $9-$35 each, and the price widely depends on the add-ons and features. The monthly cost is no more than buying from a retail store. Plus, most companies offer free shipping every time.

6 - It’s Not A Contract.

It can be difficult to switch to a new product, especially in skin care. One razor does not perform like another. Because subscriptions do offer low priced starter kits, it’s possible to keep the old and overlap the new. Happy Leg’s service offers a one-time trial kit before starting a subscription. Most services have an easy cancellation policy for the subscription if the customer decides they don’t need razors this month. Harry’s even sends an email notification ahead of the refill order in case their client wants to customize or change their shipment. Most companies offer money-back guarantees if their client isn’t happy with the product. The refill time period can be easily adjusted between one and three months. Now is a great time to benefit from the cost and time savings of getting convenient razor delivery service.