Getting Treatment for Acne Scars Can Increase Confidence

One of the reasons why acne is such a pain is that it never really goes away. Once the inflammation and breakouts clear up, people are often left with scarring and hyperpigmentation. These scars can vary in size and texture, and they can fade over time or remain permanently. To make things even more complicated, some people are more prone to scarring than others.

main of Getting Treatment for Acne Scars Can Increase Confidence

Being unable to put one's best face forward can affect a person's self-esteem. Therefore, the issue of acne and acne scars is definitely more than just skin deep. There are many people who have required additional mental and emotional support and assistance due to their self images from acne scars. Fortunately, it's now possible to treat acne scars. Through the power of modern science, acne scars can be purposely disguised, faded, or eradicated completely with a variety of products and procedures.

What Causes Acne Scars

Acne scars form as the skin's reaction to acne blemishes. A blemish forms when a pore in the skin becomes clogged with bacteria and oil. The pore becomes swollen and inflamed, and the pore's walls become damaged as a result. Subsequently, the skin reacts by producing collagen to repair the damaged pore, producing the final scar. Small blemishes that heal quickly will probably produce a small scar that also fades quickly. On the other hand, large and painful blemishes are likely to result in larger, darker, or pitted scars.

As tempting as it may be, popping an acne blemish is never recommended. Not only does it exacerbate the damage caused by the initial blemish, it can also spread bacteria or cause bacteria to penetrate deeper into the pore. In the end, popping blemishes might make acne scars worse.

Acne Scar Treatment Options

Acne scar management begins at home with a good skincare routine. Regular use of sunblock and moisturizer keeps skin healthy and protected, which lessens the look of scars. There are many products which contain a variety of different ingredients which can also speed up cell turnover, allowing scars to fade away. When a breakout occurs, it's important to treat it immediately to lessen the likelihood of a scar forming. Which product is best is usually a good discussion to be had with a doctor. 

Exfoliating regularly sloughs away the duller, damaged skin cells on the surface, revealing the fresher, healthier skin underneath. When exfoliating at home proves to be too slow for their liking, many people decide to go to their dermatologist. Dermatologists have access to multiple resurfacing procedures, which they can recommend based on their patients' individual cases. Examples of these procedures are:

  • Laser resurfacing
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Chemical peels

Severe scars, such as pitted or keloidal scars, may call for more invasive treatments. One of the most common procedures used today is microneedling. Microneedling uses tiny needles to strategically puncture the skin, stimulating repair. When administered by a trained expert, it can be a very effective way to soften and fade the look of scars. Some other semi-invasive treatment options include:

  • Medicinal injections
  • Excision or subcision
  • Skin grafting