The Abs Can Be Worked Out in a Number of Different Ways

Most people who work out regularly would love to have six-pack abs, because everyone knows that they look great when you can achieve them. Granted, achieving that toned, defined midsection not only takes a ton of work, but also depends on your dietary habits at least as much as your exercise habits. However, even if you're like many people who may not quite reach that extremely rare level of six-pack abs, doing what you can to keep your core muscles in good shape is still a great idea. Having strong abdominal muscles can have a number of positive effects on your life, including reduced back pain, better athletic performance and endurance, better performance when weightlifting, and even better posture and balance.The good news is, your abdominal muscles are unique in the fact that many of the best ways to work them out don't even require weights or equipment. Covered below are five of the most straightforward, effective ways that you can work on those abs and improve your core strength.

main of he Abs Can Be Worked Out in a Number of Different Ways (goods)

1 - Plank

The plank is a classic exercise that is not only great for your abs, but strengthens your arms, glutes, and back as well. To do this exercise, you don't need any equipment other than a floor and your own body. All you need to do is get in position lying face down on a firm, flat floor, and prop yourself up so that only your forearms, hands, and toes are touching the ground. Keep your forearms parallel and elbows set perfectly under your shoulders. Your hands need to be balled up into a fist. Hold this position for as long as you're able, and try to increase the time a little bit every day.

2 - Bicycle Crunches

While just about everyone is familiar with crunches, the common thought today is that they're not particularly effective. The bicycle variation of the crunch, though, is great for strengthening your core. To do this exercise, you lie on your back and bring your knees up in front of you to form a 90 degree angle. Then, you'll want to simultaneously do the crunch motion while twisting to each side alternatively, all while moving your legs in a bicycling motion. This one takes some practice to get comfortable with, but it's really good for strengthening both your abdominal and oblique muscles.

3 - Side Plank

This variation of the aforementioned plank is a great exercise if you want to be strengthening both your abdominals and your obliques. They also are effective at stimulating your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and even your upper body. To do a side plank, start by laying on your side, and with your forearm aligned perpendicular to your body, use it to prop yourself up. Keep your body in a straight line and your hip bridged up, and just like the standard plank, hold it for as long as you're reasonably able to. You'll want to make sure to switch to the other side afterward, as well.

4 - Vertical Crunches

Vertical crunches are another variation on crunches that have been shown to be more effective than the original at activating your abdominal muscles. To do vertical crunches, which are also called vertical leg crunches, just lie on your back, and raise your legs up in the air with your knees slightly bent. Then, keeping your legs as still as possible, reach up and try to touch your ankles with your fingertips. For best results, try to not make the motion too fast or jerky, and start by doing a set of 12 to 16 of these crunches.

5 - Russian Twists

Fitness studies have shown that when you make a twisting motion with your abdominal muscles, it's an effective way to trigger the process that results in the muscles growing and strengthening. With this exercise, you want to be sitting on your butt with your knees pulled up in front of you, similar to a position as if you were going to hug them. Then, while balancing on your butt, lift your legs off the ground a few inches, hold them there, and twist your upper body back and forth. Additionally, for more of a challenge, you can hold a small weight in your hands and use that to twist back and forth.